Awards during 2005 & 2006
Awards during 2005
CSI 2005
Award given by :Computer Society of India, 122, TV Industrial Estate, SK.Ahire Marg, Worli, Mumbai 400025, (022) 24943422/ 24934776
On: 12th November, 2005
Category :Gujarat Stat (eGovernance State)-Best Citizen Facilitation
Detail :Chief Guest on the occasion, General (Retd.) K.V.Krishna Rao, PVSM, former Chief of Army Staff and former Governor - J&K, presented the awards to the winners at a gala function held as part of CSI 2005 annual national convention on 12th November 2005 at Hyderabad
CSI 2005
Award given by :Computer Society of India, 122, TV Industrial Estate, SK.Ahire Marg, Worli, Mumbai 400025, (022)24943422/24934777
On : 12th November, 2005
Category :Ahmedabad Collector Office (eGovernance Project)-Service Orientation
Details :Chief Guest on the occasion, General (Retd.) K.V.Krishna Rao, PVSM, former Chief of Army Staff and former Governor - J&K, presented the awards to the winners at a gala function held as part of CSI 2005 annual national convention on 12th November 2005 at Hyderabad
CSI 2005
Award given by :Computer Society of India, 122, TV Industrial Estate, SK.Ahire Marg, Worli, Mumbai 400025, (022)24943422/ 24934778
On: 12th November, 2005
Category :PKI, GNFC Ahmedabad (eGovernance Project)-Technology
Detail :Chief Guest on the occasion, General (Retd.) K.V.Krishna Rao, PVSM, former Chief of Army Staff and former Governor - J&K, presented the awards to the winners at a gala function held as part of CSI 2005 annual national convention on 12th November 2005 at Hyderabad
Award given by :India-Tech Foundation, B-702, dheeraj Heritage Residency, Shastri Nagar, Linking Road, Extn., Santacruz(W), Mumbai-400054, India
On:24th November, 2005
Category :Gujarat State-Application of IT in Administration (e-Governance)
Detail :Organized by India-Tech Foundation on 24th November, 2005 at Mumbai. The Jury Penal was chaired by Justice A.M Ahmadi (Former Chief Justice of India)
Award given by :Government Of India, Ministry of Communication & Technology, Department of Information Technology, Electronics Niketan, 6, C.G.O Complex, New Delhi-110003, (011) 24360160
On:26th April, 2005
Category :"Pragati" – GIS Software (BISAG) (Best Product)
Detail :The Hon’ble Minister of Communication & Information, Shri Dayanidhi Maran had inaugurated the exposition on April 25, 2005. Dr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Dy. Chairman, Planning Commission delivered the keynote address.
Award given by :Bangalore IT.Com
For Year:2005
Category :First place - Best Stall Participant
Detail :Bangalore is a flagship event of STPI (Software Technology Park of India) Bangalore. It is an annual event organized every year and one of Asia’s biggest IT and Telecom event. The event features a trade show; the Rural IT quiz and Global Buyer-Seller meet along with Multi forum conferences attracting large number of investor and business visitors. Gujarat has been putting up the pavilion in this event since year 2001.
Awards during 2006
Award given by :Cyber Media Cyber House, B-35 Sector-32, Gurgaon, Haryana - 122 001 Tel: 0124-4031234, 2384816; Fax: 0124-2380694
On :3rd March , 2006
Category :Best e-Governed State(West Region)
Detail :Dr Neeta Shah, director, Gujarat Informatics and Anita Karwal, DDG, Sardar Patel Institute of Public Administration (SPIPA) smile as they receive the Best e-Governed State Award for the Western Region on behalf of the Government of Gujarat from F C Kohli.
Award given by :The Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievance, Department of Information Technology, Government of India, and the Department of Information Technology, Government of Kerala.
On:2nd to 4th February, 2006.
Category :e-Nagarpalika (Vejalpur) -Silver Icon Award (Professional Excellence In Process Reengineering)
Detail :Awrad Distributed by Dr M K Muneer, Minister of Kerala.