List of Officers
Ms. Mona K. Khandhar, IAS, |
-- |
Science & Technology |
079-23259999 |
secdst[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |
Shri Y.A. Dodhiya, |
-- |
-- |
079-23259999 |
ps2secdst[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |
Shri Subodh D Joshi, Deputy Secretary |
(BT) |
Science & Technology |
079-23254603 |
dsbt[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |
Ms. Charmy Pandya, PA to DS (BT) |
(BT) |
Science & Technology |
079-232-50435 |
dsbt[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |
Shri R. C. Desai, |
(IT) |
Science & Technology |
079-23257998 |
jsit[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |
Ms. Dharaba Chauhan |
(IT) |
Science & Technology |
079-232-50438 |
--- |
Ms. Apexa Pateliya |
E&T |
Electronics & Telecom |
079-23255403 |
dsent[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |
Shri Sanjay Prajapati |
E |
Electronics |
079-232-50471 |
Shri Hiteshkumar Amin, |
BT |
Biotechnology, Establishment |
079-23250464 |
us-bt-snt[at] gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |
Shri Hiteshkumar Amin, |
IT |
IT |
079-23250464 |
usit[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |
Ms. Apexa Pateliya, |
E |
Electronics |
079-23255403 |
Shri Tarang Andharia, |
T |
Telecom & Budget |
079- 23250465 |
ustelecom[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |
Shri Sanjay A. Shah, |
IT |
-- |
079-23254765 |
sanjays[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |
Shri Saurabh R.Parekh, |
Establishment |
Establishment |
079-23250462 |
so-estt-snt[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |
Shri P. L. Parmar, |
Coordination |
Coordination |
079-23258310 |
so-coord-snt[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |
Ms Pooja Pandya, |
B.T. |
Biotechnology |
079-23250473 |
so-bt-snt[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |
Shri Tarang Andharia, |
IT |
IT |
079-23250465 |
so-it[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |
Ms. Viral Bharvad, |
IT Cadre |
IT Cadre |
079-23258158 |
so-ict-snt[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |
Shri Meghrajsinh Solanki, |
Budget |
Budget |
079-23257403 |
so-budget-snt[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |
Shri Pratik Ramanuj, Section Officer |
E |
Electronics |
079- 23255165 |
so-electronics-snt[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |
Shri Vijayrajsinh Jhala, |
T |
Telecom |
079- 23255166 |
so-telecom-snt[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |
Ms. Shruti Purohit, |
E-gov |
E-governance |
079-23255164 |
so-egov-snt[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |
Shri Jigar Thakkar, |
Cash |
Cash |
079-23250470 |
- |
- |
Registry |
Registry |
079-23250526 |
- |
Ms. Mona K. Khandhar, IAS, Principal Secretary | GFGNL | Fibre Grid Network Limited | 079-23259999 | md[at]bharatnet[dot]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |
Shri Tushar Y. Bhatt, IAS, Director (IT) (I/C) | DICT & e-Governance | Directorate of ICT & eGovernance | 079-23258389 | directorit[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |
Shri Tushar Y. Bhatt, IAS, Managing Director | GIL | Gujarat Informatics Limited | 079-23259222 | mdgil[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |
Shri Manish Gurwani, IAS Managing Director | GSEM | Gujarat State Electronics Mission | 91-79-23250463 | md-gsem[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |
Dr. Sumer Chopra, (Officiating Director General) |
ISR | Seismological Research | 079-66739001 | dg-isr[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |
Shri S. K. Patel, Executive Director |
GCSC | Gujarat Council of Science City | 079-65222127,28, 29, 30 | mail-gcsc[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |
Dr. Narottam Sahoo, Advisor |
GUJCOST | Council on S&T | 079-23259362 | adv-gujcost[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |
Shri Manish Gurwani, IAS, Mission Director (I/C) | GSBTM | Biotechnology | 079-23252194 | mdbtm[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |
Prof. Chaitanya G. Joshi, Director |
Gujarat Biotechnology Research Centre | Biotechnology | 079-23259362 | dir-gbrc[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |
Dr. Subeer Majumdar, Director General |
Gujarat Biotechnology University | Biotechnology | 079-69014-911 | dg[at]gbu[dot]edu[dot]in |
Dr. A. N. Bhadalkar, Director |
Savli Technology & Business Incubator | Biotechnology | 079-23259362 | Dir-STBI-Vdr[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |
Shri Bhumik Barot, Head |
Gujarat State Data Center | GSDC | 079 23257345 | head-gsdc[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in |