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Gujarat has been one of the frontline State in the implementation of e-governance policies & projects in India. Independent agencies have rated Gujarat as one of the most e-prepared State in the country. State Govt. has adopted innovative / progressive policies for promotion of e-governance in the State. Some of the salient features of e-governance strategies are as following:-


  • Gujarat State Wide Area Network ( GSWAN)
  • State Data Center / Server Farm
  • Sachivalaya Integrated Communication Network ( SICN)
  • Integrated Workflow and Document Management System ( IWDMS)


Policy details of Science & Technology Department

e-governance road-map

Undoubtedly e-governance has emerged as a potent tool for any citizen centric, transparent and effective governance system. With key infrastructure and policies in place, GoG has aggressively promoted information sharing with the citizen by way of display and disclosure of information of large number of functional departments and their subordinate organizations through their respective websites. There are more than 250 websites which provide information on various aspects of governance in the State.

Government Services to Citizen

Government is aware that information is not enough to meet ever- growing needs for Government services. Therefore, a number of initiatives to provide quicker delivery of government services to the citizen have been taken up in the past. This include e-Dhara (land records computerization); e-municipality (delivery of citizen centric services through municipalities in the State); e-gram (delivery of village panchayat level services); SWAGAT (grievance redressal system using ICT) etc. Now State Govt. has been making efforts to integrate all these de-centralized services and provide 24 X 7 services through Gujarat portal ( Further, line departments are being encouraged to develop back-end application software for improving internal efficiencies by way of better monitoring and supervision of their activities and programmes. Recently, Finance as well as Home Departments have appointed M/s. TCS to develop an integrated application software for these departments.


e-Governance is incomplete unless government services are made available to the citizens in a hassle free and 24x7 manner.For this purpose government of Gujarat has undertaken two major initiatives viz. Firstly, government has provided VSAT based "Broadband" connectivity to all the 13716 Village Panchayats in the state through e-Gram Vishwagram Society under the Panchayat & Rural Housing Department of the state government. Secondly, all Village Panchayats have been provided with the computers, printers and other necessary hardware so as to enable the village level computer operators to deliver government services to the people. In addition, State government has also decided to set up Common Service Centers ( CSCs) in 6000 villages. Now, government has planned to use State Portal to accept citizen's request for various services such as copies of land records, applications for ration card, varieties of certificates and for implementation of beneficiaries oriented schemes such housing schemes for poor, old age pension, widow pension scheme etc. and deliver these services through front ends such as broad band connected village panchayats/ CSCs/ cyber cafes in the state.