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Gujarat Electronics Policy

The Government of India has envisioned to position India as a global hub for Electronics sector by encouraging and driving capabilities in the country for developing core components, including chipsets, and creating an enabling environment for the industry to compete globally. The Electronics sector is likely to play a vital role in the Government's goal of generating USD 1 trillion of economic value from the digital economy of India by 2025. This target can be met by leveraging the multiplier effect of investments in this sector through the vast ocean of global and domestic opportunities for establishing a robust supply chain within the country. Gujarat being a leading industrial state in the country offers a favorable business ecosystem, backed by a robust policy framework, ease of doing business, and state- of-the-art infrastructure. The Government of Gujarat is taking great strides towards becoming a preferred destination for Electronics sector and in realizing the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s vision of making India a global hub for electronics manufacturing and reducing dependency on East Asian countries.

Gujarat is committed to promote faster and inclusive growth in electronics sector and has taken strategic steps towards achieving this objective in a holistic manner. Gujarat is the first and only State in the country to issue a sector focused Semiconductor Policy (2022-28) which aims to make Gujarat a major contributor in the Global Value Chain of semiconductor and display manufacturing sector. This will create an enabling foundation on which Gujarat will build a robust Electronics Manufacturing ecosystem.

To achieve this objective, the Gujarat Electronics Policy (2022-28) will focus on attracting investments and employment across the State by driving growth through incentives, process optimization and facilitating adoption of latest technologies in the electronics manufacturing.